
What an Octopus Can Teach MSPs About Thriving in a Crowded Market

First things first — why ask a sea-dwelling invertebrate about running an IT business?

Well, octopuses are incredibly intelligent animals, showing problem-solving and memory capacities that far outweigh any other creature that lacks a spinal column. Weird, sure…but emerging research shows that octopi and humans share important genes that are linked to our braininess. These oceanic creatures seem kinda alien, but the similarities of our intellectual development might have been in the genetic cards all along.

What’s really amazing is that many scientists believe octopuses are the oldest intelligent creature on the planet. That means they’ve managed to outsmart several extinction-level events, as well as the emergence and decline of countless predatory species. In other words, they’re more than capable of surviving in a “red ocean” — literally — and that’s a skill every MSP needs in the current channel climate.

Rapidly-changing market forces, new tech, consolidation, fierce competition. These are the hallmarks of being an MSP in 2024. So let’s find out how the world’s oldest eight-armed nerds would handle it.

Adaptability: The Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus)

The Mimic Octopus, found in the waters of Southeast Asia, boasts unparalleled adaptability, and will take on the appearance and behavior of other sea creatures to evade predators and ambush prey.

MSPs should take a cue from the Mimic Octopus’s adaptive prowess. Adapting to market demands is key, and tailoring your services to meet the unique needs of each client is a proven way to get ahead. This strategy applies to niching down into specific markets, too. And we’re talking really niching down — true verticalized marketing — wherein your MSP caters to a clearly-defined audience. Going wide doesn’t always work well as drilling down to a single market segment and giving them service and guidance that’s perfectly tailored to their industry.

Resourcefulness: The Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus)

The Coconut Octopus, native to the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, exhibits remarkable resourcefulness by using discarded coconut shells as portable shelters. (Whether they learned this from hermit crabs is yet to be determined, but I doubt it.)

A resourceful MSP gets ahead by leveraging every advantage they can get their hands on. That often means tapping their existing resources and partnerships to expand their service offerings and address client needs. It may also mean upselling their current clients, or enhancing their tools to cut unnecessary operational costs.

Strategic Positioning: The Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)

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The Common Octopus, widely distributed throughout the world’s oceans, employs sophisticated techniques, including changing color, texture, and shape, to strategically position itself in its environment. These adaptations allow it to hide from predators, hunt effectively, and navigate complex surroundings.

Similarly, MSPs should always think about their strategic positioning in the marketplace. By leveraging niche marketing, thought leadership, and networking efforts, MSPs can position themselves prominently among competitors. Likewise, they can use their brand image and advertising to stand out from their competitors and draw attention to their offerings.

Intelligence and Problem-Solving: The Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini)

The Giant Pacific Octopus, the largest species of octopus, showcases exceptional intelligence and problem-solving abilities, utilizing complex behaviors to secure food, escape confinement, and navigate its environment.

MSPs can harness the intelligence and creativity of their teams to develop innovative solutions to complex client challenges, fostering a culture of continuous learning and experimentation.

Agility and Speed: Max the Octopus (Octopus minmaximus)

Max the Octopus, primarily found in the IT Channel, employs a variety of techniques to help managed service providers enhance their operational efficiency through a symbiotic relationship with ConnectWise Manage.

Max uses its agile tentacles and highly-intelligent ganglia to minimize wasted time, eliminate lost tickets, and streamline processes, making everyone’s life easier. This leads to a symbiotic relationship where Max becomes an indispensable part of the MSP’s ecosystem, beloved for its efficiency and effectiveness.



Sure. an octopus would have a hard time running an IT business, but there are times most MSPs wished they had eight arms. While it doesn’t look like implants are on the horizon, minMAX can give you all the ticket-juggling powers you need to reduce costs and improve efficiency. No more dropped tickets at the end of the month, and no more wasted time fiddling around in ConnectWise. The net result? Happier clients, a highly productive team, and more money in the bank.

Ready to put minMAX on your team? Early-adopters who want to grab this opportunity are welcome to apply for our closed beta, rolling out in June 2024.

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